
How to Win Back Your Wife: Advice of Psychologist

How to win back your wife discovering the reasons why she left + the common mistakes of most husbands + the pieces of advice of psychologist.


Yesterday your lovely wife was with you and today she is leaving you.

Why has she made the decision to break up after several years of living in a marriage?

What reasons push people to make this step?

How to win back your wife using our pieces of advice?

How to win back your wife discovering the reasons why she can leave you?

In order to understand why your wife decided to leave you, you should know the motives of her actions and figure out everything that is going on in a current situation.

Every family is a separate and unique case but, nevertheless, there are some main common reasons why women leave their spouses.

1. Getting no attention from the husband.

When after the wedding a family couple starts to live in routine, many men stop devoting their attention to the wives.

Some time later a woman starts to wish these gentle words and attention desperately.

In case there is another man who is able to value this and surround with care, a woman is sure to go to him.

7 reasons why a wife can leave her spouse:

  1. He has not said how much he loves and values his second half for a long time.
  2. Spouses spend all their leisure hours separately.
  3. A husband has not presented her with flowers and gifts for a long time.
  4. He does not care about his wife’s appearance.
  5. He looks at other women in the presence of his wife.
  6. He is bothered when the wife needs some help around the house and tells him this.
  7. Spouses do not talk sincerely about their problems.

2. Jealousy.

Reproaches and distrust are able to destroy love.

It’s extremely difficult to live with people who are constantly jealous and cannot control their emotions.

5 reasons why a woman divorces the jealous husband:

  1. He tries to control his wife’s every movement.
  2. A husband neither trusts nor believes her words.
  3. He is unable to control his jealousy.
  4. His constant baseless accusations towards the wife.
  5. A husband does not care about his wife’s feelings and worries.

3. The absence of children.

The woman’s destiny is to become a mother.

If there are no children in the family, many women start feeling how deficient they are.

If a husband does not share the wishes of his beloved person, a wife is sure to start looking for someone who also finds children to be the happiness and sense of life.

However, in most cases, a woman will definitely aim to create the next generation.

4 reasons why a wife will leave the husband if they do not have children:

  1. A wife constantly tells the spouse she wants children.
  2. A husband does not think much about how to continue the family and does not treat seriously the wife’s desire to become a mother.
  3. A husband refuses to undergo treatment if childbirth depends on it.
  4. He only promises to solve the household and financial problems and only then to think about children.

4. Different views of life.

In the rose and candy stage before the wedding, the couples do not see how their views of life differ.

Some time later, they figure out that someone finds the career to be more important than the family or screams and scandals to be more important than peace and quiet in the house.

6 signs you have different views of life:

  1. Even some household trifles cause arguments and disagreements.
  2. Spouses are unable or do not want to meet each other’s needs.
  3. The members of the family do not know how to listen and how to hear each other.
  4. The choice is made in favor of the principles instead of the family interests.
  5. Love goes to the background behind the life philosophy.
  6. A man does not want to take responsibility for the maintenance of his family.

8 Tips, How to End a Marriage Peacefully

How to win back your wife learning the mistakes of the abandoned husbands?

  1. The search of the logical reasons for the wife’s return.

    When you look for the logical arguments, you will try to get rid of the sufferings.

    Your wife is sure to understand these selfish intentions and it will only make the situation worse even if you truly wish to recreate the family.

  2. The behavior of the hen-pecked husband.

    A man should never make amends by pampering his wife too much.

    This is wrong because she won’t come back to the hen-pecked husband realizing that his good behavior will end any moment after she comes back.

  3. Miserere.

    Many abandoned husbands try to win back their wives by miserere and prayers.

    However, the situation cannot be fixed this way – you will only lose woman’s respect and become the object of manipulations.

  4. Many presents.

    Constant gifts, flowers every day and expressions of sympathy often lead to the opposite effect.

    Be sure that she’ll treat those gifts like the attempt to buy her feelings.

  5. The manifestation of love.

    A woman wants to hear from the husband that she is loved.

    However, if a man, the ex-husband, tells her about his feelings non-stop, it will definitely lead to the negative emotions.

    A woman must see his love in action – his actions and behavior but not just the words.

How to win back your ex-wife using the pieces of advice of the psychologist?

In order to restore the faded love, a man needs not only his desire but much strength.

You should understand that a woman, who does not love you anymore, is open for the new relationships.

Another man can give them to her but the ex-husband is also able to repair the old feelings.

The psychologist’s pieces of advice for those who wish to win back the wife:

  1. Do not try to return your wife as soon as she left you.

    Both of you need time to come to senses and understand the situation.

  2. You should remind yourself of the moment when you saw each other for the first time and start dating.

    After you separated, you’ll have to win her back again and make everything possible for your wife to feel your love.

  3. Do not stock her or call too often.

    It’s quite enough to pay her a compliment when you accidentally meet and wish her a good day or offer your help.

  4. Call your ex-wife on a date, stroll in the park, go to the movies or theater, or travel somewhere on the weekends.

    Moreover, mention at once that your communication is very important for you.

  5. If your wife was bored with you, you should definitely think how to change.

    Bail out or go in for extreme sports.

    It’s very important your ex-wife was with you in this moment and saw what you are capable of in order to win back his beloved one.

  6. If your wife always accused you of not helping her around, it’s time to stop being lazy and finally do the men’s work.

    Help her cope with the household problems and care about the comfort of the beloved person.

  7. You must learn how to see even small things which are connected to your second half.

    For example, she made a new haircut, which looks perfect or put on a dress which emphasizes the beautiful figure.

  8. Ask her opinion, thoughts, and feelings.

    Emotional women need to know that they are heard and listened to.

    This is likely to win back your wife’s trust.

  9. Do not recollect the past offenses.

    Forget them and start your new relationships with s clean slate.

5 tips, how to win back your ex-wife

Divorce is such a difficult test for the couple which used to love each other. Life does not always get better after it, especially if a husband understands that he does not want to let go his wife.

  1. Make a serious decision.

    After the divorce, people often feel wasted and because of it, they often try to return the former relationships.

    Think well whether you need the relationship with a woman which was ruined and resulted in the divorce.

  2. >Analyze the situation which led to your divorce.

    Remember the life together which was full of mistakes and think what made you divorce.

    Do not search the last straw and get deeper to understand why you were dissatisfied with each other.

  3. Establish a contact with the ex-wife.

    Start the communication but do it gradually.

    Do not be too persistent and just remind about your existence from time to time.

    Push the conversation to recall the wonderful moments spent together. Support her in any situation and help if she requires it.

  4. Fix the past mistakes and if you know for sure that something irritated your wife, make sure you got rid of this habit.

    You can definitely give up any habit, change any trait of character, or if you cannot fix it, try to avoid it.

    After she sees these great changes, she is sure to appreciate it.

  5. Accept your fault and never try to blame your wife for your divorce.

    On the contrary, you should better exaggerate your fault instead of refusing to admit you also took part in the destruction of the

How to win back your wife with a child: 4 recommendations

  1. First of all, try to explain the situation to a child.

    Do not explain all details and never accuse the mother or complain about life. Let your child understand that you will always be with him and together with the mother you’ll continue taking good care of him.

  2. When you come home, you should not spend time sorting out the relationships with your wife.

    A child must see your polite treatment towards the mother and understand that you are still responsible for the family.

  3. Try to do your best helping your ex-wife to raise a child.

    A wife must see that regardless of the breakup, you are still a reliable and strong husband and father.

  4. Talk to your wife calmly and try to figure out why she left.

    Do not accuse her of anything and just try to take into consideration all reproaches in order to fix the mistakes.

    A woman must see that you are ready to work on yourself in order to win her back.

If you have serious intentions to restore your family and you wish to learn how to win back your wife, you should take into account all the above-described mistakes and make everything possible to avoid them.

Moreover, you should definitely use the psychologist’s advice from our article.

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