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How to Regrow Your Hair: 5 Best Masks + 7 Useful Tips

How to regrow your hair naturally avoiding chemical preparation? 5 masks, 2 oils, massage and 7 useful tips are sure to help you.


When you wish to learn how to regrow your hair you should pay attention to the factors which encourage its growth.

It’s quite easy to regrow your hair naturally if you follow the tips from our article.

How to regrow your hair discovering the reasons for slow growth?

Before you decide to regrow your hair and start choosing the best option which will help you achieve the wanted result, you’d better study the reasons why it grows so slowly.

The most widespread reasons why it grows slowly are:

  • hair loss;
  • dry and fragile hair;
  • split ends which can be easily broken at the ends;
  • lack of vitamins and micro elements;
  • lack of protein which is the main building element for your hair;
  • low temperature.

How to regrow your hair defining the speed of growth?

Naturally, hair in women grows individually.

In average, it becomes 1-2,5 cm longer every month but many external facts influence the speed, too.

The main reasons which prevent you from growing long hair are:

  • the season;
  • the time of the day;
  • the peculiarities of the organism;
  • the heredity;
  • the climate conditions;
  • the person’s age;
  • the peculiarities of the diet;
  • the peculiarities of hair care.

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The scientists are said to have noticed that after dyeing or perming the hair grows slower.

That’s why the quickest way how to regrow your hair is at least not to dye it.

When you start to regrow your hair after a short cut, you’d better count from 1,5 cm.

It means that it’ll become 18 longer one year later.

How to regrow your hair using 7 useful tips?

Stick to the following pieces of advice if you wish to regrow your hair naturally:

  1. Cut it regularly.

    They must be healthy to grow.

    If you have split ends, they’ll stop growing and will gradually break.

    Then you decide which product to pick, so that it was suitable, could feed and maintain the ends, and you won’t need to have a new haircut too often.

  2. Your locks must get dry in a proper way.

    The more we dry it with a hairdryer the slower it grows.

    That’s why you’d better try to dry with hot air only in the last turn and try to let them dry naturally.

  3. Drink more water.

    How can you possibly regrow your hair when there are not enough resources in the organism?

    Your hairdo needs water that’s why you should keep it in mind and try to drink much water.

  4. Use vitamin B.

    In order to supply your locks with the useful substances, make them alive and healthy and prepare the perfect ground to regrow your hair, you need to take vitamin B.

    You are able to receive it with the food or buy in the ampules and add to your shampoo.

  5. Watch your diet.

    Naturally, the building resource for your locks is protein and you must try to provide the organism with enough amount of protein.

    Then you’ll be able to regrow your hair at home.

  6. Massage your head.

    You should massage your scalp with hot oil.

    It is likely to help your skin to relax, activate its powers and increase the blood flow to improve the growth.

  7. Try to dye your hair less.

    Hair-dye slows down the hair growth.

    If you do not know how to regrow light hair, you should simply dye it in the color which is the closest to your natural one and avoid dyeing it in the future.

    Let it rest and gather all its strength.

    If your hair is dark, you can use special products to remove the coloring pigment.

    You are able to buy them in the professional stores.

    Then you need to dye your locks in the natural color.

How to regrow your hair with the help of the regular head massage?

It’s not a secret that when you grow a long hairdo, the load on the roots is increased because they need to keep the constantly growing mass.

Lest it started falling out, it’s useful to massage the head with the finger cushions (you may also massage using some burdock or castor oil).

  1. The procedure begins with the forehead and temples.
  2. Do the rounded movements with your fingers and move towards the back of the head.
  3. It will be also useful to do the following things: light tapping massage, stretch and tickle a little, pat, just like during the Indian head massage.

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The simplest cases include brushing for styling or a paddle brush with which you should comb your locks for the night.

Mechanic influence is very pleasant.

Besides, it stimulates the blood flow naturally and allows increasing the length of the locks.

How to regrow your hair naturally using 5 masks?

One can easily cook all possible nutritive masks at home using natural products:

  1. Onion mask.

    The onion is rich in flavonoids, irreplaceable ingredients of food, which can change the activity of the enzymes in the metabolism.

    Moreover, it contains phytoncides, which destroy or suppress bacteria, microfungus, etc.

    Onion juice is rubbed in the roots; the head is wrapped in the plastic cover and a towel at least for one hour.

    Then you can remove it with warm water.

    Besides, you may add some honey and lemon juice in the mixture.

    The juice from green onion is better because it has a softer smell.

    Onion mask helps to eliminate dandruff and adds shine.

    The only disadvantage of this remedy is the strong smell which may stay for two weeks.

    In order to get rid of it sooner, you can rinse the locks with water and vinegar.

  2. Masks from beer and bread.

    You should use the following mask in order to prevent hair loss, fragile and dry ends, cope with oily or too dry locks.

    Pour the pieces of dark bread with dark unfiltered beer.

    One hour later you must stir the mass and add a pinch of mustard there.

    Apply to the scalp, wrap on the plastic cover and towel and wash away half an hour or an hour later using your shampoo.

  3. Mask with yeasts.

    To regrow long hair fast you should not only take yeasts but make a mask from them as it is rich in vitamins E, C, and B.

    To cook such mask you need to take 1 teaspoon of dry yeasts, add water, 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of mustard.

    Keep this mask for one hour and then thoroughly wash your head.

  4. Mask with beer and egg white.

    Beat up 2 egg whites with a glass of unfiltered beer and apply to the whole length of the locks.

    Cover with a shower cap and towel and remove one hour later.

  5. Mask with mustard.

    To stimulate hair growth you should beat up 1 glass of kefir with 1 teaspoon of mustard and 2 egg yolks.

    Rub the mixture into the scalp and wash away one hour later using shampoo.

How to regrow your hair using oils?

In the period of intense growth, the hair will easily break if you do not hydrate it.

Long locks always lack water and sebum, which simply do not reach the ends leaving the most of your hair dry.

At least once a week you must hydrate your head with flax and burdock oils.

  1. Flax oil is useful for the whole organism as it is rich in vitamins A, E, F and polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega, which help to improve the skin condition and grow long hair.

    The oil is spread all over the hair one or two hours before washing it with shampoo.

    Your hairdo is likely to gain volume and nice pleasant smell.

    It’s also useful to take 1 teaspoon of flax oil every morning on an empty stomach to improve your well-being and strengthen the health.

  2. The similar impact has burdock oil because it stimulates hair growth, makes it thicker, and helps to eliminate dryness, itching, and dandruff.

    If you have oily locks, you should not use it.

There are various ways how to regrow your hair.

Firstly, you must watch your diet, hair ends and stimulate the supply of nutritive substances in the follicles.

Follow our pieces of advice and the question of how to regrow your hair won’t bother you anymore.

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