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How to Stop Bulimia: 7 Tips on Self-Control

You are going to learn how to stop bulimia and start to control your feeling of hunger from our recommendations below.


Bulimia is characterized by the uncontrolled consumption of food and feeling of constant hunger.

A person, who suffers from this disease often chronically overeat and do not feel satiation.

Bulimia by its nature is a psychosomatic disorder, which is popularly called “wolfish appetite”.

Read in the article below how to stop bulimia.

How to stop bulimia by discovering the reasons for disease?

Bulimia is a psychosomatic syndrome, which is characterized by the increased hunger and low satiation: a bulimic person may not feel satiated even if he eats a large amount of food.

The first form of bulimia appears when the receptors, which are located in the sphere of hypothalamus, are damaged.

These receptors send the signal to the brains that the organism is satiated.

When the functioning is disturbed for some reason, a person constantly feels hungry and may become bulimic.

The second form of the illness is connected to the low level of sugar in blood.

However, it is characterized by the fact that a person suddenly feels very hungry and is able to satisfy it by the first portion of food.

Psychologists made a classification of bulimia types and singled out the following ones:

  • Demonstrative;
  • Masochistic;
  • Obsessive;
  • Focused on the sexual attraction.

Untreated bulimia is a serious disease.

From the sphere of psychological disorder it goes to the physiology level, damaging the obvious systems in the organism.

Chronic illness eventually brings a bulimic person to hospital bed, and in the worst cases – to the resuscitation department.

The results of being bulimic:

  • Chronic dehydration;
  • Lack of sodium, potassium, chloride and calcium;
  • Excessive amount of uric acid;
  • Lack of phosphates;
  • Acidosis and alkalosis;
  • The increased level of cortisol;
  • The disturbed level of hormones in the parathyroid glands.

If you do not recover from bulimia, eventually you’ll get the following illnesses

  • Arrhythmia;
  • Renal insufficiency;
  • Esophagitis;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Flatulent distention;
  • Anemia;
  • Menstrual disorder;
  • Hypoglycemia;
  • Atonia;
  • Myopathy.

Some disabling results are also possible from being bulimic.

Dehydration and lack of electrolytes leads to weakness in all organs and their breakdown.

Sometimes some situations occurred that the stomach was disrupted because of the overeating.

Moreover, the hyperacidity in stomach leads to ulcer.

How to stop being bulimic by treating this illness?

Answering the question of how to stop bulimia you should know that the treatment begins from the diagnosis of the psychic status of a patient, creating the integrated personality portrait, psychodiagnosis, clinical interview and the analysis of medical background.

This is how on the ground of the personal data the best way how to stop bulimia is chosen.

The directions, which successfully work with bulimic people

  • Psychoanalytic therapy;
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy;
  • Transpersonal psychotherapy;
  • Some kinds of family (supporting) therapy.


A bulimic patient recovers from conflicts and solves those, which fixated at the early stages of psycho sexual development.

During the course of treatment the new, adaptive ways of psychological protection are developed, which do not disturb the human life and activities.

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Cognitive-behavioral therapy

At this stage false affirmations and thoughts, which lead to bulimia, are discovered.

A bulimic patient is taught to form new behavioral patterns and cognitive schemes, which are adaptive.

Such kind of treatment presupposes that a bulimic person is interested in the process of treatment.

Transpersonal therapy

Such treatment helps to build new patterns of how to interact with the world.

The target of transpersonal therapy is to show a client that there are easy ways to solve the problems, which do not require “flight into illness”.

Family psychotherapy

If the reasons of being bulimic are hidden in the family relationships, the work should be done with the whole family.

The target of such kind of therapy is to change the reasons, which influenced or provoked bulimia’s development.

When the patient’s condition begins to seem better, one can start group work and stop family therapy.

How to recover from bulimia by meals’ normalization?

In order to stop bulimia one needs to learn how to avoid retching.

One needs a special diet for this, because “wrong” food will definitely destroy all attempts to recover from bulimia.

After a bulimic person recovers from bulimia, he is forbidden to eat fat, spicy or sweet food till the main functions in the organism are restored.

Products, which are able to recover from bulimia:

  • Vegetable soups and squashes;
  • Chicken soups;
  • Porridge cooked using water;
  • Rye bread;
  • Fresh and stewed vegetables;
  • Kefir and skim milk cheese.

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At the beginning of treatment the organism won’t accept hot, cold, sandwiched, sour or sweet meals.

Besides, at first you’ll have to chew all meals very slowly and thoroughly.

When the stomach gets used to it a little, you may try to add to your diet new meals or conduct experiments with the dishes’ taste and temperature.

A doctor can make a proper eating schedule till you completely recover and stop being bulimic.

Moreover, he is likely to give some recommendations concerning how to restore the metabolic process and GIT’s work.

How to stop bulimia in children?

Bulimia frequently occurs in children.

The reasons for this problem are usually the psychogenic and physiological factors.

Psychogenic factors include:

  • Dissatisfaction with the appearance and figure;
  • Hard and sensitive relationships of a child with his parents;
  • Depression, fear;
  • Mostly sedentary lifestyle.

Physiological factors combine:

  • Presence of parasites in the organism;
  • Diabetes in the critical stage;
  • Illnesses of central nervous system;
  • Endocrine diseases;
  • Side effects of medical products;
  • Decreased kidney function.

Children’s treatment from bulimia must be controlled and stopped only by specialists and contain the following stages:

  1. Psychoanalysis by means of which the reason of digestion disorder is revealed.
  2. The changes of false behavioral patterns at the subconscious level.
  3. The composition of a new diet and prescription of certain medical drugs.
  4. Boost of self-esteem and studying how to communicate with people around.
  5. Removing the psychological factors, which provoke the disease’s development.
  6. Group therapy.

How to recover from bulimia using the tips on self-control?

It’s extremely difficult to recover from bulimia on one’s own.

The specialist’s help is mandatory in this case, because the habit of comfort eating has been formed in a bulimic person for years, and it’s impossible to recover from it fast and without efforts.

However, the treatment must start from the formation of proper relation towards yourself.

7 tips on how to stop being bulimic:

  1. At first, accept and realize the problem.

    Denial won’t lead you to anything good.

    In order to recover from the illness you must admit it really exists.

    Then, you need to turn to the doctor, because self-treatment is not desirable in such situation and sometimes it is even dangerous.

  2. Turn to the doctor and honestly tell him about the fits of bulimia – how often they happen, what emotional condition serves as the background for them.

    The doctor is likely to prescribe you a course of medical drugs and write a prescription for antidepressant medication.

  3. Love yourself.

    Look at yourself in the mirror, and do not compare yourself with slim girls or models.

    In real life men are inclined to like women, who are full of health than exhausted ones.

    Love yourself as you are.

    Find and enumerate all your advantages – there will definitely be plenty of them and they might help you to recover.

  4. Eat only useful products and try to follow the nutrition regime.

    Your plate must have precisely as much food as you plan to eat.

    As soon as you eat the last piece from your plate, leave the table.

  5. Stop eating pills to lose weight.

    Learn how to avoid the habit to vomit after eating.

    Throw away all purgatives and diuretics – you cannot take them so often.

    If you really wish to recover, you’d better work out the calories in the gym than cause vomit.

  6. If you feel you are under stress, from which you cannot recover on your own, you should turn to a specialist for help.

    An experienced psychotherapist will definitely find out the roots of your problem and help you overcome it.

  7. Find a goal in life and go for it.

    Understand that losing weight, diets and rules of eating are far from important.

    You must find the interesting goal.

    Perhaps, you wish to get second higher education, buy your first car or learn Spanish…

Regardless of the fact that bulimia is a dangerous disease, which is very difficult to cure, when you really wish and take active actions, you are actually able to recover from it.

Lest the illness worried you, you only need to follow the recommendations on how to stop bulimia.

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