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How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Fast: Best Receipts

You managed to get rid of acne but now you faced another problem – how to get rid of acne scars fast? In the article below you are sure to find best receipts.


Any pimples regardless of the reason why they appeared often bother and irritate us.

That’s why today we’ll help you learn how to get rid of acne scars fast.

In order to learn how to get rid of acne scars fast you should firstly learn why they appear

The question of how to get rid of acne scars fast may never arise if you care and think how to prevent their occurrence beforehand.

If you suffer from pimples you can secure your skin from further problems – scars from them.

The reason why scars occur after you get rid of pimples:

  • You pop zits.

    As a result of your actions the epidermis is damaged a lot and cannot heal overnight.

    Unfortunate situations lead to the appearance of the scars.

    Moreover, the infection is spread to the healthy fibers.

  • Neglected acne.

    It appears because the work of sebaceous follicles was disturbed.

    The pores are blocked by the excess oil, the skin does not breathe, and dirt and sweat encourage the distribution of microbes.

    Consequently, some inflammations and abscesses appear on your face.

    When you neglect such problem hoping that it will go away some day, there is a huge probability that some dark scars will occur in their places and it’s much more difficult to eliminate them.

  • Mycotic lesion.

    Sometimes it happens that the irritation appears because of the cutaneous fungus or demodectic mange.

    In such cases, one needs medical products, which kill Demodex and eliminate the fungus.

    The person’s immune system plays a very important part, too.

    It was noticed that some people easily get rid of acne fast and without traces, while some people always have inflammation process which leaves traces for the rest of life.

How to get rid of dark acne scars fast studying their types?

Dark acne scars are usually represented on the skin by white pits, raised light-pink or bright-red scars, dark blue stains or dark red granulomas.

Kinds of acne scars:

  • Atrophic scars are soft and not deep, with wrinkles (if they are big).

    The stains are rosy-red and sometimes are light blue.

    Later they become white.

    On the face, they are rather small, but on the back areas they may occupy 1 cm and more.

  • Hypertrophic scars are located higher than the skin level due to the fact that the excess amount of produced collagen is not completely spread.
  • Keloid scars trigger itch and other unpleasant feelings, which are alike with hypertrophic.

    They rarely occur on the face.

  • Normatrophic scars located on the same level with the rest of skin.

    Such scars can appear only if the connective tissue reacts naturally to the trauma.

    They are plain and light and the elasticity is close to the rest of the tissues.

How to get rid of dark acne scars fast using cosmetology?

Cosmetic procedure in salons can show you how to get rid of dark acne scars fast and effectively.

After the recovery period, there will be almost no signs of acne.

In different salons you may be offered various procedures:

  • Chemical, laser, fruit or glycolic pilling;
  • Masks from hyaluronic acid;
  • Microdermabrasion;
  • Laser resurfacing;
  • Phototherapy;
  • Cryomassage.

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How to get rid of back acne scars fast?

The problem of acne on the back and shoulders brings esthetic and psychological discomfort and sometimes becomes a signal that there are some serious problems with the person’s health.

Pimples on the body may appear any season and in any person.

Ways how to get rid of back acne scars fast:

  • Steam the back well (either by a hot shower or an ironed towel) and thoroughly wash it with pine-tar soap.

    Then apply shaving foam to the back and take some salt.

    Massage it into the dark areas and then remove everything using warm water.

    Repeat the procedure once in two days and soon you are sure to notice how the situation improved overnight.

  • Grate some dark household soap; add a little water to make porridge.

    Then add some salt and a few drops of oxygen peroxide.

    Rub the problem areas on the back with the mixture once in two days.

  • Mix spongilla with water or oxygen peroxide till it gets porridge consistency.

    Apply to the back, leave for 15-20 minutes and then remove with warm water.

    This procedure may cause some tickling (or even after everything is done) and bring certain discomfort.

    However, the result is definitely worth it because after the first try you’ll remove 30% of all dark acne scars from your back and if you do it regularly, you’ll get rid of all traces.

Surely, none of the methods will work if you continue to pop zits and neglect the rules of personal hygiene.

How to get rid of dark acne scars fast?

Black spots are the fat corks in the pores of the skin (open comedones).

Skin fat can get to the surface and cause dark color.

The most effective way to get rid of dark acne scars fast is the deep cleaning.

During this procedure the fat corks are removed, the excess oil is eliminated and the blood supply is improved.

After the procedure, you might get reddening and skin exfoliation.

A hydrating cream is likely to help you avoid the exfoliation and will calm down your irritations.

Moreover, you can get rid of the reddening using the mask with honey.

Mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

Heat the mixture on the water bath and apply to the face for 15 minutes.

Remove with cool water and enjoy your soft and gentle skin.

You’d better do the deep cleaning no more than once in two-three months and do it before sleep.

How to get rid of acne scars fast overnight?

Now we are going to discuss how to get rid of acne scars overnight using the folk medicine.

Regardless of the fact that there are plenty of ways and techniques how to get rid of acne scars, if you wish to do it overnight you’d better learn how to do it using homemade remedies.

Fresh acne scars can be eliminated overnight if you use the following receipts:

  • Lemon juice.

    Apply lemon juice to the damaged areas or just cut the lemon in two halves and massage it gently into the skin.

  • Tomato juice.

    You must make fresh juice from tomatoes and apply it to the damaged zones with the scars on your back.

    This juice is likely to help you improve the pores’ functions, too.

  • Cucumbers.

    Apply to the face the extract of cucumber and leave for 15 minutes.

    Then wash the face with water (desirably with cold water).

    This method will be rather effective and show you how to get rid of dark acne scars overnight.

  • Almond oil.

    If you make light massage of the face with almond oil, you are most likely to get rid of all traces.

  • Banana.

    You must make a puree from a banana and apply it to the damaged zones.

    Leave it on the face for 7-10 minutes and wash away thoroughly with cold water.

  • Sandal.

    One of the most effective ways how to get rid of acne scars overnight is to use sandal paste.

    Mix sandal powder with water and leave it for the night.

    Then apply this paste to the damaged zones for 10 minutes because it must dry.

    Wash away thoroughly with cold water.

  • Clay masks.

    Take a tablespoon of clay and dissolve it in warm water making porridge.

    Add a few drops of rosemary oil to the mixture, stir everything and apply to the problem zones on the back.

We hope that our tips on how to get rid of acne scars fast will help you look attractive.

Remember that your beauty is in your hands.

Stay beautiful and enjoy your reflection in the mirror!

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