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How to Get Rid of Back Acne Scars Fast: 9 Best Masks

Read in out article how to get rid of back acne scars fast. Our tips are sure to help you eliminate this unpleasant problem fast.


Wrong stripping of pimples, their disinfection and treatment often promote the appearance of stains, scars, and pits.

No matter how terrible it sounds, acne and similar skin problems far from always leave without traces.

In some cases, some small scars are left after the acne was healed.

More often than not the reason for this occurrence is acne stripping.

To be more precise, the outer intrusion to the higher layer of epidermis provokes inflammation processes and the future scar on that place.

There are plenty of ways how to get rid of back acne scars fast.

Let’s discuss some of them.

How to get rid of back acne scars fast using masks?

There are many oil bags and sweat coils on the back, that’s why the appearance of acne there is considered to be a frequent and widespread event.

Back acne often leaves dark-red or even blue scars which stay for long.

You can learn how to get rid of back acne fast using masks:

  • From green clay: mix 1 spoon of clay, 6 drops of oil and 1 teaspoon of water.

    Apply to the problem areas for 10-15 minutes;

  • From an egg white and lemon: mix 1 egg white and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.

    Apply the mask to the problem zones for 15-20 minutes;

  • From white clay: mix 1 tablespoon of white clay powder with 4 teaspoons of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of water and then spread on the back acne scars for 15 minutes;
  • From a tomato and starch: mix 1 tablespoon of tomato flesh with 1 teaspoon of starch.

    Then apply it to the skin for 15-20 minutes;

  • From tea tree oil and lavender: mix the equal amount of tea tree and lavender oils and apply it every day;
  • From the essential oils: mix 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 2 drops of rosemary oil, 1 drop of clove oil, 1 drop of lavender and 1 drop of mint oil.

    Massage it into the skin few times a day;

  • From honey and cinnamon: mix honey and cinnamon in the equal proportions and apply to the skin for 20-25 minutes.

    Make this mask once in two days;

  • From the apple vinegar: mix 1 tablespoon of apple vinegar with 2 tablespoons of clean water and put this mixture on the problem areas every morning;
  • From tutsan and alcohol: pour 2 tablespoons of dry tutsan with 1 glass of alcohol and let it stay in a dark place for 10-14 days.

    Use it every day.

How to get rid of dark acne fast at home?

Young boys and girls are especially inclined to having acne or comedogenic problems because of the maturation period.

This illness is characterized by the inflammation process in the oil bags or hair follicles.

From the outside, it is revealed by the regular and sometimes excessive skin rush.

If you could not avoid acne, now we’ll discuss how to get rid of dark acne scars fast using various homemade methods.

At first, let’s look at the homemade remedies of how to get rid of dark acne scars overnight:

  • To make the skin tone even it is very useful to make soft regular pilling.

    For instance, you may take sea salt.

    Apply the face washing gel to the skin and then rub it with the sea salt.

    Remove everything and use a softening cream.

  • Take 2 tablespoons of spongilla, add 3% oxygen peroxide and stir the ingredients.

    Apply them to the skin fro 5-10 minutes and then remove.

    Do not do it if you have dry skin or inflamed acne;

  • Grate the cucumber and put it on the gauze.

    Apply to the skin and keep for 20-25 minutes before removing it.

    Make this mask regularly.

  • Another good way how to get rid of back acne fast is to try medicinal paraffin.

    Melt a small piece of medicinal paraffin in a small container and soak a cotton bat with it.

    Apply to the damaged areas and keep till it dries.

    Then get it off.

Regardless of the high effectiveness of these homemade masks for dark scars, it’s really hard to remove them completely overnight.

That’s why if nothing helps there is only one way out – turn to the cosmetologist and have some special procedures done.

How to get rid of back acne fast with the help of a cosmetologist?

Modern cosmetology has plenty of methods how to get rid of even the brightest damages fast.

Depending on your condition, you may be offered the following procedures to get rid of back acne scars:

  • Laser or chemical pilling implies the removal of the dead cells using a laser or chemical compounds;
  • Mesotherapy presupposes injections of the biologically active substances;
  • Darsonvalization is the influence on the highest layers of epidermis and mucous coats by the impulses of high-frequency current;
  • Stimulation current therapy implies the influence on the human organism by the low electric pulses;
  • Microdermabrasion is the pilling of the epidermis by the microcrystals;
  • Dermabrasion presupposes the usage of a special sponge or brushes.

The ways how to get rid of deep, dark, old acne scars fast using cosmetology are various and effective in their own ways.

Choosing a specialist and a clinic you’d better be extremely attentive because your appearance depends on the professionalism and experience of the workers.

Moreover, you should take into account that the most kinds of equipment cosmetology have their counter-indications.

That’s why at first you’d better pass a general medical examination before you start doing certain procedures.

After you managed to get rid of the back acne scars, you must pick the proper cosmetics to care about your skin.

How to get rid of back acne scars fast picking the needed care products?

If you wish to know how to get rid of back acne scars fast, you’d better prefer products with pH 5,5.

This is the natural skin acidity and it means your skin will be able to create the needed acidity cover which is likely to prevent the appearance of new acne and scars after them.

The recommendations on how to pick skin care products to prevent acne scars

  • Make sure the facial wash suits your skin type and can be used for sensitive skin, which is inclined to having pimples.
  • Try a new product on a small skin area.

    Apply it there and leave for some time to check whether you have an allergy reaction to it.

    Refuse to use it if there is an irritation.

  • Use new products very carefully.

    There are people who have a facial wash with the proper pH level but still have irritation due to the fragrances in it.

    Try another product or start removing skin fat using special oil.

  • Do not wash with too hot water because it will make your skin dry.

    Do not rub your skin with a tight puff or sponge because it will cause additional irritation and inflammation.

  • Exfoliate with products that contain alpha- and beta hydro acids in order to get rid of acne.

    Exfoliation makes the epidermis smoother which lessens scars’ vividness and pigment stains even overnight.

  • The level of pH of alpha and beta hydro acids must be from 3 to 4.

    Use the product twice a day.

    Use products which alpha hydro acids, which increase light sensitivity, for the night and if there is a necessity to use it in the morning, use sunscreen cream.

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How to get rid of acne scars fast overnight and take preventive measure?

If you follow several easy rules, it will help you control the situation and avoid the appearance of scars after acne:

  1. You cannot pop zits on your own because the “cocktail” of terrible bacteria which get to the healthy fibers infect them.

    Besides, a non-specialist, who pops zits, usually damages the walls of the oily bags and it leads purulence to the deeper layers of the epidermis.

  2. During the aggravation period, you may not use scrubs and mechanical pilling.

    The essence of this ban is the high possibility to open abscesses and infect the nearby areas with microbes.

  3. Watch your diet and include vegetables, fruits, and nuts in it.

    We also suggest you eating products, which are rich in vitamins and antioxidants which improve skin condition (C, E, A) and zinc which is known to have healing qualities.

  4. In order to lessen the risk of getting scars after acne, you should limit yourself with “fast” carbohydrates – sugar, bread, and white rice.

    Moreover, drinking alcohol and coffee influence badly on the condition of your epidermis.

  5. We recommend you to spend less time in the sun and avoid direct rays of the sun on the areas with acne scars.

    These areas are too sensitive and can acquire pigment stains.

  6. Homecare is likely to help to avoid acne scars and it implies using hydrating, rich in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals products.
  7. Never remove the dry crusts by force – they must go away on their own.

    It’s the main condition that prevents the occurrence of dark acne scars.

If your skin has acne scars, you should not be disappointed because there are so many medicinal, cosmetic and homemade methods which are almost painless but extremely effective in removing the problem overnight.

The most important thing is to start treating the inflammations in time and never pop zits.

This way you won’t have to think how to get rid of back acne fast.

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