
How to Improve Your Singing Voice?

When a person is really interested in singing, he must know how to improve his singing voice. Use our recommendations and never stop improving yourself.


Beautiful voice, which melodically sings a wonderful song, and the audience, that holds their breath –have you ever dreamt about it?

Nonetheless, you inquire how you can put your dream into life, because still far from many people succeeded in it.

Though, the scientists assert that everyone has a singing voice of a definite level, though not everyone tries to improve it.

Let’s try to straighten out how to improve your singing voice.

How to improve your singing voice by learning how to stand and breathe correctly?

  1. Master how to breathe right.

    Training a powerful voice you simply must know for sure how to breathe perfectly.

    The essence of it all is deep breathing:

    • Blow out your belly and the area of loins when you breathe (in and out).

      To verify you properly breathe in using these body parts put the hands on your waist.

      Your thumb has to be on your back and the rest of the fingers – on the stomach. Mind that both hands are supposed to be on the body sides, closer to the hips.

      Every time you inhale and exhale you must feel how your hands drift apart and come together again.

      Sometime later, as soon as you make your breathing stronger, this amplitude and time of movements are likely to become only bigger.

    • In case breathing deeply is difficult for you, attempt to lie on the floor putting your hands on the belly.

      As soon as you take a breath in your hands will rise, and during exhale – they’ll come down.

      Remember about your shoulders – they should move neither during inhales, nor during exhales.

  2. Use the abs.

    In case you breathe properly, the lower muscles (diaphragm), which are located over your stomach must move forward, leaving some space to let in more air.

    You’ll just implement this force to squeeze the air out while singing, speaking or during exhale.

    Treat the muscles located over the loins (over the kidney) likewise, so that you managed both inhales and exhales.

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  3. Study how to stand properly.

    Watch the stance of your legs, knees, hips, stomach, chest, shoulders, arms and head:

    • The legs must be a bit spread, and one leg should stand a little forward the other one in order to move the weight of your body forward as well.
    • The knees must be relaxed and, what’s more, little bent.

      Trying to preserve a good posture you will wish to put the knees together, but you should not do it.

    • Your arms are to be slacked and hang loose on the sides.
    • Do not strain your stomach; though keep it ready for actions.

      In case you’d like to feel how the active stomach feels like, you should put the hands on the waist (thumbs on the back) and pretend to cough a bit.

    • Drop your shoulders and bring them a bit backwards.

      Your back will get straight and the head is going to move to the higher level.

      Do not stoop shoulders or raise them to the ears.

    • Your chest must be a bit leveled up and stuck out.

      It will probably happen on its own as soon as you drop and bring backwards the shoulders.

    • The chin has to be parallel to the floor.

      Mind that it should be neither raised too high nor lowered.

How to improve your singing voice by singing exercises?

  1. Get yourself used to warming up your singing voice.

    Right before you start singing or practicing some tiresome singing lessons, you should get ready and improve your voice by doing several easy warming-up activities:

    • The first exercise is yawning.

      Yawning stretches and opens your mouth cavity and throat as well as removes strain from the neck and diaphragm.

      Opening your mouth wide and taking a breath in you’ll cause yawning.

    • Cough a bit.

      Imagine how you squeeze the airflow through your throat in short courses.

      It will definitely activate the muscles in the lower part of the chest and stomach, i.e. the muscles, which you are going to use during singing (as a counter to the muscles in your throat and the upper part of the chest).

    • Light lips’ vibration.

      Close your lips a little and blow the air through them, singing something through the closed mouth.

      Concentrate on your throat, which must be relaxed during this exercise.

      Train lips’ vibration starting with the lower notes and finishing with the top ones, then visa verse.

      When you get used to doing this exercise, you should start pronouncing genus.

    • Muscles tension.

      You’ll need to learn how to relax your entire body during singing. So that you were able to do it, you must tense all your muscles.

      Then, right after you relaxed, do the lips’ vibration exercise, beginning from the low notes and moving to the top notes.

      Repeat the exercise starting from the top notes down to the low ones.

    • Singing with the closed mouth.

      Hum a song returning home, or going to work, or in case you are not eager to do it in public, hum while taking a shower or cooking meals.

  2. Sing genus.

    Start singing from the lowest notes and gradually move up on the genus, singing “mi-mi-mi”, till you come to your highest possible pitch.

    Then move in the opposite direction singing “i-i-i”.

    • Do not overdo.

      Sing easily and freely, eventually changing the range top down.

    • You may also do the identical exercise by singing “u-u-u”.
  3. Sing genus with “woo-woo-woo”.

    • Your mouth is to look like during inhale you are trying to take in a long macaroni tube.
    • As soon as you exhale you must produce sound “woo”.

      It may sound as if you are whistling like kazoo instrument.

    • Besides, when you exhale your voice must be even.

      Repeat it two or three times.

    • Pronounce “woo” changing the range top down.
  4. Cool down after the repetition.

    Just like after physical activities, it’s significantly important to get some rest after singing exercises.

    • You may perform the same exercise you did as a warm-up, so that you cooled down a bit (for example, yawn, cough, buzz with your lips or sing with your mouth closed).
    • You may also buzz having your mouth closed, pronouncing sound “m” and changing the range top down, then visa verse.

      You’ll feel tickling around your nose and lips.

How to improve your singing voice learning from other people?

  1. Hire a qualified teacher.

    A good couch may advise you how to improve your singing voice.

    Look for a teacher with classical education, because he will know many different styles.

    In case you cannot afford to hire a teacher of singing, you can easily find plenty of free lessons on the Internet.

    Just ask YouTube to find “singing lessons” as well as “a teacher of singing” and you will definitely see many videos to your taste.

  2. Take notice how different professional singers and announcers sound.

    Observe how they control their breathing, volume, articulation, modulation, vocal habit and sonority.

    Try or learn how to imitate the style you liked and improve your voice.

    Imitation of singing style is an effective way to learn how to sing.

    It makes you do stuff you would never usually do.

  3. Watch the well-known singers and announcers.

    Look on how they breathe and dwell on a note by their breathing.

    Notice their postures and body language.

    Watch how they work with their lips to produce those sounds and words, which they sing.

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How to improve your singing voice practicing?


  1. Go to the karaoke.

    Luckily, such entertainment is pretty available nowadays: all needed equipment costs not much.

    Moreover, you can easily find almost all instrumentals to the songs.

    Start from those compositions, which you like and know well and do not take very complicated song at first.

  2. Sing a cappella in order to improve your singing voice.

    As soon as you learned how to sing with phonogram, you may come to a more complicated stage – singing a cappella (without instrumental accompaniment).

    This way you’ll undoubtedly hear all mistakes and drawbacks.

    It’ll allow you working on your singing voice and improving it.

    Mind that you should:

    • never overstrain your vocal cords while you are singing;
    • always feel comfortable and easy taking every note;
    • never scream.

    Such “exercises” will surely bring you hoarseness and you will probably lose your voice.

    Sing how your voice possibilities allow you to – never be in a hurry and they will increase with every time.

We hope our tips on how to improve your singing voice are going to assist you in your vocal activities.

Train regularly and you will be able to reach tremendous results and make your dream come true – your voice will sound as clear and expressive as ever.

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