
How to Get Rid of Ovarian Cysts: 3 Homemade Remedies

How to get rid of ovarian cysts discovering their types + the reasons why they appear +the symptoms + the surgery +homemade remedies?


The ovarian cysts are the bubbles full of liquid which are formed in the organs’ tissues.

Many women may not know that they have ovarian cysts for a long time.

It is usually discovered only at the follow-up examination when a woman turns to a doctor-gynecologist because of the broken monthly period.

How to get rid of ovarian cysts is the topic of our article.

What is an ovarian cyst and how to get rid of it?

Cysts are subdivided into the several types which differ by the reasons of the occurrence:

  1. Follicular cyst.

    This is not a dangerous type.

    A woman often does not know she has it and it can disappear on its own without any harm to the organism.

    Its occurrence is connected to the fact that the mature ovary does not have a possibility to leave the follicle and get to the abdominal cavity during the ovulation.

    The follicle cannot open and it gradually gathers liquids which form this problem.

    Such problem is usually caused by the hormonal dysfunction.

  2. Corpus luteum cyst.

    It not very widespread and it is formed after the ovary gets out of the follicle.

    There must appear the yellow body at this place, which is responsible for the production of the progesterone hormone.

    However, some hormonal disruptions can slow down or completely turn off the process.

    That’s why the cells start to grow and the disease appears.

  3. Endometrioid cyst.

    It appears only in case the eggs get into the tissues of the uterine walls.

    Almost always it is full of dark liquid or blood and it may reach from 2 to 20 cm in diameter.

  4. Dermoid cyst.

    The dermoid cyst contains the embryonic elements: fat, skin or cartilages.

    It grows slowly but extremely painfully.

    In most cases, it does not reach the big size but it definitely required surgery.

The main reasons why such problem appears are

  1. The functional failure of the endocrine system;
  2. The hormone imbalance;
  3. Abortions;
  4. Precocious menstruation;
  5. The failure of the thyroid’s work;
  6. Genital infections;
  7. Inflammations.

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The symptoms of ovarian cysts

As it was previously mentioned, the ovarian cysts do not show themselves anyhow and a woman learns that she has it only when a doctor examines her.

However, in some cases, some symptoms may appear, to which you should definitely pay your attention.

10 symptoms you have an ovarian cyst:

  1. Irregular menstruations.
  2. Sharp pain in the bottom of the stomach which disappears suddenly.
  3. The feeling of pressure and fullness inside.
  4. The painful menstruation.
  5. Relatively painful micturition and defecation.
  6. Pain after sexual interactions.
  7. The occurrence of nausea and vomit.
  8. Blood emanation.
  9. The increased heart beating.
  10. The increased body temperature.

How to diagnose the ovarian cysts?

There are six ways how to diagnose the ovarian cysts:

  1. The gynecological exam during which a doctor can discover such pathological changes in women’s organism as the increase of the adnexa and pains.
  2. The ultrasound examination is said to be an informative kind of diagnostics.

    A doctor uses a transvaginal monitor to get the detailed information about its location and type.

  3. Culdocentesis of the sheath is able to discover the presence of the blood in the abdominal membrane.
  4. Laparoscopy is used if there are some suspicions concerning the cyst’s disruption.
  5. The lab tests let people know about the inflammation processes.
  6. A doctor must also exclude the extrauterine pregnancy.

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How to get rid of ovarian cysts?

In order to discover how to get rid of ovarian cysts, you should immediately turn to a doctor.

Even if a woman does not notice any symptoms, it does not mean that the tumors are absent.

Most of them do not have any clinical responses.

That’s why it’s very important to visit your gynecologist at least once a year.

If there is a necessity, your doctor will tell you how to get rid of the illness.

  1. If it is a follicular one, there is a possibility it will go away on its own under the influence of hormones in the organism.

    It is also possible if its size is small.

  2. If the size is big, you will be prescribed the hormonal treatment.

    The most effective hormone is progesterone and mostly women are prescribed to take its analog as medicine.

  3. The medicinal drug makes the walls of the cavity less and it does not grow anymore.

    Gradually, it will disappear.

    If the cyst is endometrioid, it can be also cured by the hormones.

  4. In this case, a doctor prescribes the medicine which influences the organism so that the women’s hormones were suppressed by the huge amount of the male’s hormones.

    Moreover, the organism can be artificially drawn to climax.

In case these methods do not bring positive results, the gynecologist will prescribe the surgical treatment.

You cannot neglect it because:

  1. If you do not learn how to get rid of the cyst in time, it may become a reason why the adhesion appears and consequently, lead to infertility.
  2. Benign diseases can transform into malignant tumors.
  3. A cyst might explode and become the reason of peritonitis which leads to death.

How to get rid of ovarian cysts with the help of surgery?

In case the situation is difficult, a patient may be advised to undergo the laparoscopy examination.

Doctors make several small cuts in the abdominal wall through which a special diagnosing device is sent to the ovary.

With its help, one can precisely define the cyst’s stage of development.

In case the cyst is very big, its tired coat can disrupt and the surgery is used.

The surgery can be done using either laparoscopy (if it is relatively small) or in a usual way (if it is big) – by the incision of the abdominal wall.

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There are several kinds of surgery which can show how to get rid of ovarian cysts:

  1. Wedge-shaped excision.
  2. Cystectomy (which preserves the healthy tissues of the ovary).
  3. Removing the ovary (ovariotomy).

The rehabilitation after the surgery

As a rule, the rehabilitation is rather easy and does not cause any difficulties.

The doctors advise to stick to the following rules:

  1. Do not overload physically.
  2. Stick to the diet to avoid the retention of feces.
  3. Take the oral contraceptives for a couple of months.

How to get rid of ovarian cysts at home?

  1. A diet.

    One can learn how to get rid of ovarian cysts at home if he sticks to a healthy diet which normalizes the hormone balance.

    The peculiarities of the meals are the following:

    • Refuse fast food, fizzy drinks, cacao, chocolate, coffee and tea.
    • Refuse to eat fried, fat, spicy food or to drink alcohol.
    • Add to your diet the products which contain fibers – raw or stewed zucchini, cabbages, and eggplant.
    • Eat more dairy.
    • Eat sea fish and low-fat meat.
    • Add curd cheese and vegetable oil.
    • Enrich the diet with pectin – apples and berries.
  2. Herbs.

    3 medical plants which help to get rid of ovarian cysts:

    • Racemose baneberry is a powerful folk remedy which helps to balance the hormone level.
    • Vitex Angus-catus is a well-known remedy to get rid of ovarian cysts.
    • Wild yam is a natural antispasmodic which eases the pain that was caused by an ovarian cyst.

    These herbs are not advised to be used by the pregnant and nursing mothers.

    People who suffer from chronic diseases must consult a doctor first.

  3. Warm compresses.

    A warm towel (37 – 40 C) can be applied 3-4 times per day no longer than on 10-30 minutes till the cyst will dry.

    The compress widens the blood vessels and increases the function of the tissue to deliver the required nutritive substances.

    The increased blood flow will wash away all inflamed exudates.

How to get rid of ovarian cysts?

In order to succeed in it, one needs to apply various methods of treatment.

Moreover, it is especially important to consult a specialist in time.

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