
How to Relieve Stress: 10 effective ways

10 relaxation tips to relieve the symptoms of stress. Let’s begin!


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Probably all of us have suffered from fatigue, nervous tension, rapid pace of life, turmoil of weekdays or family problems at least once in a lifetime. These phenomena are the evident sources of stress.

As a result, we lose our temper and yell at our relatives, bursting out all the negative emotions we’ve got. That can obviously lead to the nervous breakdown, with which we can end up in a hospital.

Sounds not very happy-end-like, right?

This article is supposed to introduce several useful and effective ways how to relieve stress.

Trust me – it’s actually very easy to do!

You can try out the following tips right now, and make sure that good mood and the sense of relief will appear right away!

So, let’s start!

10 Best Ways to Relieve Stress

  1. A comb is a really wonderful antidepressant!

    If you spend your working day in front of the computer, a massage comb will become the best remedy for you!

    It’s definitely one of the greatest ways how to relieve stress and it will help you feel a bit better right away.

    You should comb your hair and massage your head with a comb during at least 10 minutes.

    This will help you to speed up the circulation of blood and relax your muscles.

    I’m sure that you’ll end up with a smile on your face!

  2. How to relieve stress: treat yourself to a self-massagingIn order to relax a bit and normalize your vitality, you should massage special spots under your lower lip, in the centre of your palms and under your nose.

    How to escape depression?

  3. Rub your palms.

    This is really a great way to avoid stress.

    You should rub your hands against each other until you feel the warmth spreading over them.

    Rubbing your ears can also have a great effect – it will help you to concentrate on a certain task.

  4. Wash away negative emotions.

    If you want to get rid of overstress and bad mood, I’d highly recommend you to take a 15-minute shower.

    Play a jet of water on your head and shoulders, and let it massage you a bit.

    Before you know it, the water will wash away all your negative emotions.

  5. Eat antistress products for relieving stress.

    What will definitely encourage you and help you stay in a good mood, is fatty fish.

    It contains certain acids which are useful for the nervous system.You can also treat yourself to an ice-cream, banana or some chocolate.

    Every woman can allow herself to eat a piece of chocolate (25 g) in the morning.

    Don’t worry, you will not gain extra weight, but your spirits will definitely rise! 😉

  6. Swing your hands a bit.

    Many people suffer from stresses when their muscles are spasmed (this can happen because of sedentary work) and lose their elasticity.

    This can lead to headaches and backaches.

    I’d recommend you to spare a few minutes, get up from your work place and make several arm swings.

    At first, make circular moves, and then swing your arms every which way.One more thing you can do with your hands is swimming; it will also have a positive effect.

  7. May aromatherapy help you!

    It is a well-known fact that a smell is closely connected with the emotional memory.

    You should always be able to smell something that has once led you to felicity, feeling of happiness and burst of positive emotions.

    Smell it as often as you can and you’ll always be in a good mood!

  8. How to relieve stress: the stairs are your friends!

    Try to run up and down the stairs for a minute.

    This exercise will deliver oxygen to the certain parts of your brain which are responsible for the control over the emotional stress.

  9. Clean up your house.

    It may sound quite funny to you, but when all things belong to their places, your thoughts are more likely to be put to rights as well.

  10. Take a few minutes and give some thought over everything.

    Choose a day and spend it home alone.

    Turn on the music, take something tasty out of the fridge and flop into the chair.

    And now it’s about time to take some thought. First of all, think about your dreams and put them down into your diary!

    When you come up with a plan for their fulfillment, you’ll have no spare time for stresses and worries.

    This is how you’ll get totally engaged into the realization of your dreams.

And my final advice to you is that you should smile more often!

The smile has a wonderful quality; it will disarm the entire negative aimed at you!

Have a great day and ALWAYS keep your chin up!

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